Friday, February 25, 2011

think people

Today, a police officer lost his life. A man that devoted 28 years devoted to the protection of all of ubs. He was not on duty, and thankfully it was not an incident that could have jeopardized the community that he served. As a SWAT officer, there are various tools of the trade, in Officer Thornton's case, an equipment malfunction occurred while he was doing the routine maintenance to keep his necessary tools safe. Any loss of life is a horrible thing, but this is especially tragic, in that, many people continue to do their job after hours, and this man was essentially working off the clock to maintain the tools that are required to protect all of us. It is a tragedy that anyone with the conviction to devote a life to protecting all of us should lose their life. While we should all be thankful that there was no crisis threatening innocent people, we must be mindful that this man, and many other men and women are willing to offer up their very lives for us. Most of us take it for granted, we are annoyed at the speeding ticket, or the license check, heck I am guilty, I joke that I won't walk into a KMart because I don't like blue lights. But the simple truth is, our lives are better because of the people that are willing to risk their lives for our security. I truly wanted to post something else tonight, preferably funny, but we all need to step back and have appreciation for those souls that are willing to risk their lives to ensure our quality of life that we take for granted. I hope everyone will say a prayer for the family of Officer Thornton and also for all those that protect what we hold dear.

Mikey P has spoken


Thursday, February 24, 2011


It all began long ago, but this isn't it. This IT begins now, and no one is sure yet what IT is. The motto of course is listed as the title to this post, but The Legendary Mikey P is not political, so don't panic. The IT of whatever this is will I make it up. Some of IT will be inspirational some of IT will be educational, part of IT will let you know about things you should know, some of  IT will involve music. There may be an occasional blatant (and historically inaccurate) prediction regarding the Chicago Cubs, or the occasional cooking tip.  When all of that fails, IT will be humorous, sarcastic, and full of shameless self promotion.  IT will be entertaining (at least for me) and always PG. To those that have encouraged me, thanks and shame on you, now the rest of the world will see what you endure.  In closing, I do promise actual content soon, and will leave you with a quote from Mark Twain (who incidentally stole some of my best material, even though he died long before my birth), "All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. "

The Legendary Mikey P Says So
